How do I get the callerID of the actual called on forwarded calls
If you want to see the actual caller's caller ID instead of your TeleBlend phone number when receiving a forwarded call, simply use the Find Me feature instead of the forward all calls feature. The Find Me feature will display the original caller's Caller ID and the forward all calls feature will display the Teleblend number when you receive the forwarded call. Why the difference? Some people prefer to see that the call they receive on their mobile is a forwarded call rather than a direct call so they like their TeleBlend number displayed so they can choose to ignore or answer. Others want to see the original caller's phone number so they use the Find Me Feature:
To set Find Me Feature:
Log into your member portal and then click User Desktop on the left menu. Then click Single on the top right menu and you will see your extension shown in the main screen. Then click Redirection and you can set your call forwarding options. Enter a phone number with a preceding 1. For example 12035551212
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